If you are fascinated with playing piano, it can be intimidating to start learning how to play it. Some are even intimidated especially that there are lots of great pianists out there. However, you don’t need to play in a big concert hall just to prove to yourself that you can really handle a piano. In order to be a better pianist, here are the following mistakes that you should avoid while you are still learning.
1. Thinking that playing fast is an indication of a great skillYou may notice that young pianists nowadays are very aggressive of
playing their piano. They think that it’s some kind of a race they need to win in just a short time. However, if you really want to learn how to play the piano effectively, you should start it at a slow pace. Don’t feel the rush of learning how to play the piece and going into another one. Your piano teacher will most likely ask you to slow down. Play the piece by your heart, not by your muscle memory.
2. Ignoring the little details in musicLittle things matter when it comes to music. Even a slight dynamic change or the phrasing or articulation can do a big difference in your playing skills. Make it a habit to close your eyes and listen to the music carefully. If you notice these little details, you will come to realize that there is a big difference when you actually pay attention to them. Great pianists of today and in history absorbs every little thing music has to offer. Do not detach yourself from the music. Being a good pianist means you're willing to lose yourself in the music.
3. Expecting to have results quicklyOnce you start playing the piano, you can’t expect to learn the whole thing overnight. Even the best pianists took years before they finally accomplished something good. Do not just copy exactly what you hear from other composers. Take your time in learning thoroughly, not by rote. Reading music is an ability every pianist must have but is often overlooked.
4. Practicing only when you feel like itIf you really want to learn, you need to be consistent in practicing the piano. Even professional pianists spend at least five hours a day practicing. We’re not saying that you need to be like them, but you need to at least develop consistency. Even if you can only practice for half an hour, the fact that you practiced in a day really matters. You’ll learn a lot and you’ll grow along the way.
These are the most common mistakes that you should avoid if you are trying to learn how to play the piano. Avoid it at all costs and you’ll be able to become a good pianist. It may take years before you can have a plausible performance, but your experience will be like no other. When it comes to music, there is no such thing as shortcuts.